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Air compressors
When you use an air compressor very intensively, for example by using a certain air tool for a long time, it is important that your compressor has a large boiler capacity. The larger the boiler is, the longer it takes for the boiler to come under a minimum pressure and the engine starts to fill the boiler. In a number of applications, such as paint spraying, it is important to have a constant pressure. With a small boiler (for example, 5 or 6 liters), you will notice that the pressure will decrease after a while. As a result, the compressor no longer has the power to drive the air tool. This could result in an uneven paint result when spraying paint, because the compressor will give less and less pressure. A small boiler, on the other hand, increases the mobility of the device.
Not every compressor is suitable for driving any type of air tools. Based on various specifications such as net air output, suction power, maximum air pressure and boiler size, we estimate whether a compressor is suitable for driving a certain type of air tool.
The advantages of oil-lubricated compressors are that they are quieter than oil-free compressors and that they are generally more durable.
Air compressor Contimac
<p><span id="result_box" lang="en" xml:lang="en">Attention: permanent discount of 10% on the Contimac list price. For a quote, please contact us.<br /><br />Our selection of compressors from Contimac.<br /><br />Contimac has long been a technical trading company in professional machines, tools and workshop equipment for the industrial, construction and automotive sectors.<br /><br />80% of the turnover is achieved in its home markets, namely Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.<br /><br />4 series:<br /><br /> EcoLine: Budget-friendly piston compressor line for occasional use<br /> Semi-Professional: Piston compressor line for semi-professional use with an ideal price / quality ratio<br /> Professional: Top quality belt driven piston compressors in V and W formation made in EU.<br /> Industrial: Top quality belt driven piston compressors for industrial use.<br /><br /><br />The catalog of compressed air technology from Contimac can be consulted <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a>. For further information, please contact us.</span></p> -
<p><span id="result_box" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span title="Om te zandstralen zijn volgende specificaties van een compressor belangrijk: ">To sandblast the following specifications of a compressor are important:<br /><br /> </span><span title="Aangezien er in de praktijk bij een druk van 4-6 bar al een goed resultaat behaald wordt is de druk niet het probleem. ">Since in practice a good result is achieved at a pressure of 4-6 bar, the pressure is not the problem.<br /> </span><span title="Om comfortabel te kunnen zandsralen is een grotere voorraadtank nodig.">A larger storage tank is required to be able to sand sand comfortably. </span><span title="De tank bevat namelijk onze 'voorraad' lucht.">The tank contains our 'stock' of air. </span><span title="De zandstraler neemt lucht af uit de voorraadtank waarna de compressor dit weer moet aanvullen.">The sandblaster takes air from the storage tank after which the compressor has to replenish it. </span><span title="Een tank van 25 liter is in het algemeen te klein.">A 25 liter tank is generally too small. </span><span title="Het minimum dat nodig is om bijvoorbeeld klein straalwerk te doen is minimum 50 liter maar beter 100 liter. ">The minimum required for, for example, small blasting is at least 50 liters but better 100 liters.<br /> </span><span title="Het effectieve afgegeven luchtvolume (uitblaasvolume) dat de compressor kan leveren (l/min) dient zo hoog mogelijk te zijn dit volume bepaalt de snelheid waarmee de voorraadtank van de compressor kan aangevuld worden.">The effective volume of air delivered (discharge volume) that the compressor can supply (l / min) must be as high as possible, this volume determines the speed at which the storage tank of the compressor can be supplemented.<br /><br /></span><span title="Fabrikanten geven vaak enkel het volume lucht dat per minuut aangezogen (aanzuigvolume) wordt.">Manufacturers often only provide the volume of air that is sucked in per minute (intake volume). </span><span title="Dit getal ligt een stuk hoger (25 tot 40%) dan het effectieve nuttig afgegeven volume (uitblaasvoume) .">This number is much higher (25 to 40%) than the effective volume that is delivered efficiently (emission mode).<br /><br /></span><span title="Indien de zandstraler per minuut meer lucht verbruikt dan de compressor kan leveren zal er telkens gewacht moeten worden tot de compressor de tank voldoende aangevuld heeft om verder te stralen.">If the sandblaster uses more air per minute than the compressor can supply, it will be necessary to wait until the compressor has sufficiently replenished the tank for further blasting.</span></span></p>